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Cision: Creating a New Brand Vision​





"Helped us turn a global collection of separate companies into a unified – and unique – brand."

After years of mergers and acquisitions, Cision, a global PR software company, needed to reorganize their companies (many of them well-known PR industry brands), communicate their unique ability to measure ROI in earned media, and position themselves for an IPO.

Two months of research with customer focus groups in two countries, stakeholder interviews in six countries, and a survey of over 3,000 global employees followed, culminating in a workshop with Cision’s global leaders including their CEO and CMO.

Vigorous debate led to alignment on a new brand architecture where all acquired companies would become services under the Cision master brand umbrella. We crafted a new mission, vision, and promise to employees, customers, and prospects, as well as a new brand narrative, video, and brand identity guidelines.

In less than six months, the new Cision brand made its global debut with a Times Square takeover. All marketing materials were in place for Cision’s $2.4 billion IPO, the 2nd largest tech IPO of 2017. Cision stock appreciated over 80% in the first year post-IPO, and the company was sold to private equity.

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